Tag: spring

Spring Review

Spring is late this year, according to the National Trust, delayed by cold weather during the winter and the driest February for thirty years.  But it is now gathering pace with hedgerows bursting into leaf, daffodils in full bloom and blossom beginning to brighten up the drab winter countryside.

            The recent mild and wet weather has brought growth to farm crops too, although it has been more difficult to get on the land.  Sowing last autumn went very well into fine seedbeds with enough rainfall after the drought of summer for cereals to establish.  The area of winter barley is probably a little higher than the year before but the area of winter wheat may be down.  This is partly due to a lack of break crops giving a good entry for winter wheat since the area of oilseed rape has been so drastically reduced due to the prevalence of flea beetle.

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Spring review

February is a quiet month on the farm.  Cows, snug in winter housing, are milked as usual but young stock and beef cattle my still be at pasture if the ground is dry enough.  Spring work on arable farms has barely started as growth of winter sown crops is limited by short days and cool soils.  Many farms run shoots as a diversification enterprise but the shooting season ends on 1st February.

            Overall it has been a warm dry winter in this part of the country.  February will be remembered for the three named storms that came sweeping in from the Atlantic in a week, but that was the exception.  Although February rainfall was above average, January was exceptionally dry so soils are wet on the surface but very dry further down the profile.

            On our predominantly light chalk soils, the drilling of spring crops can start in February or even late January if soil conditions allow, but there is a trend for most farmer to prefer to wait until March.  There were opportunities in late February but most planting has taken place recently or is still to be completed.  Such is the uncertainty caused by the legacy of the Covid pandemic and now the war in Ukraine that arable farmers have some very difficult choices to make this spring.

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